School Profile


At Great Ryrie Primary School our vision is to provide a 'supportive and engaging learning environment that equips students to constructively contribute to an ever changing world'.

Our school motto, "A respectful and responsible learning community", incorporates our three recently revised core values of respect, responsibility and learning, which are a focus of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support. Our purpose is to provide our students with the best opportunities we can to support their growth and learning.

Our school was established in 1998 and is located approximately 20 kilometres east of the CBD. Our 500 students represent 370 families 35% of whom have a Language Background Other Than English.
We have 50 staff including an Assistant Principal, Learning Specialists, three Office Staff, a First Aid Officer, a Reading Recovery teacher, Teacher Aides, a part-time Library Technician and a Chaplain.

Our school has a strong reputation in the local community and we celebrate the cultural diversity of our families, while providing quality, learning programs in all curriculum areas.  We also offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities including extensive Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Indonesian and Sports programs as well as Chess, and other special interest programs. Student wellbeing is given a high priority and we offer many programs designed to support students over a range of issues, as well as a comprehensive suite of student leadership programs.


The Victorian Curriculum provides the teaching program within an integrated model. Teachers work in teams to plan and deliver curriculum that caters for the individual needs of our students.
Great Ryrie has an attractive, safe and stimulating learning environment, enhanced by relatively new and well-maintained facilities.

The school is well resourced in Digital Technology, including interactive whiteboards in every classroom and access to student laptops, chrome books and iPads. Partnerships between parents and staff are encouraged and parents are involved as classroom helpers, in student conferences, through school committees as well as in fundraising and social activities.

The work of the School Council and the parent community is evident throughout the school in improved programs, facilities and equipment, for students and teachers. A large number of enthusiastic parents and community members provide many hours of voluntary work to support student learning and the smooth running of the school.

© Great Ryrie Primary School