
Literacy Teaching and Learning Program

At Great Ryrie Primary School we believe Literacy to be an integral part of a student’s education. For students to develop an understanding of texts and how language works and to ensure they develop into confident communicators and informed citizens. This will empower them to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and the world around them.

The study of English, and the broader concept of literacy, is about the opportunity to appreciate, enjoy and use language, and develop a sense of its richness and its power to evoke feelings, to form and convey ideas, to inform, to discuss, to persuade, to entertain and to argue.

Reading, Writing and Spelling are taught in unison, so students are able to transfer strategies and skills taught to both areas.

At Great Ryrie Primary School we aim:

  • To provide a rich learning environment in all classes to foster a love of language
  • To develop student ability to appreciate, enjoy and use language so as to evoke feelings, to form and convey ideas, to inform, to discuss, to persuade, to entertain and to argue
  • To develop knowledge of the ways in which language varies according to context, purpose, audience and content, and the capacity to apply this knowledge
  • To develop the  capacity to understand, discuss and analyse texts and language critically
  • To develop an understanding that the purpose, audience and situation influences the structures and features of language and to learn to apply their knowledge in a comprehensive literacy program (reading and viewing, writing, vocabulary, phonics and spelling, speaking and listening)
  • To provide experiences for students to orally communicate their understandings, knowledge and thinking in varied learning experiences
  • To develop the ability to utilise Technologies to assist in developing literacy in reading, writing and problem solving

As part of our Literacy program we ensure that all students are catered for with Literacy support including Reading recovery in Year 1. Each student is assessed and their program individualised according to their specific needs.

At Great Ryrie Primary School we also have an English as an Additional Language program. In Australian schools, learning is accessed through English, and achievement is demonstrated through English. Students for whom English is an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) require specific support to build the English language skills required for effective communication and access to the Victorian curriculum.

At Great Ryrie Primary School we achieve this by:

  • identifying a student’s level of language proficiency 
  • teaching explicitly
  • using students’ cultural understandings
  • building shared knowledge
  • intervention programs
  • Homework Club for students from a Refugee background




Formal testing includes Running Records, PAT Reading, teacher created and moderated assessments, NAPLAN, SWST, Fountas and Pinnel and optional UNSW tests.


Informal assessment includes reading and writing assessment records linked, anecdotal notes and teacher observation.


Formal, written student reports indicating student achievement in the Literacy program are provided to parents at the end of each semester.

© Great Ryrie Primary School