Welcome to our warm and friendly Great Ryrie Primary School Community. Choosing the right school is a very important decision and I invite you to visit Great Ryrie and discover why we are so proud of our school.
Our School values of Respect, Responsibility and a commitment to being Learners, are strongly evidenced by positive student behavior and strong academic growth. A positive approach to learning and wellbeing is used by staff and students through practising Gratitude and developing a Growth Mindset. Great Ryrie Primary School has an agreed approach to student conduct, with clear expectations of behavior evident in classrooms and in the playground.
We offer learning programs that cater for the diverse needs of all students, with a priority on teaching relevant skills and knowledge that are important in real world situations. Curriculum programs are delivered using an integrated approach so that links can be made between all subject areas. Our integrated units of work include the use of ICT and promote sustainability, self-responsibility and thinking skills.
Our school staff realise that we share with you a joint responsibility in helping your child develop their talents and abilities to their fullest potential.
We pride ourselves on working with our school community. Our Parents are valued for their support and involvement in our curriculum programs, school activities and membership of groups such as School Council and School Council sub-committees. We welcome your support of the school, as your involvement will strengthen the links between home and school and enhance the educational achievements of the children.
As a parent, you can share in your child's educational development by taking an interest in work brought home, encouraging reading - both to and with your child, showing an interest in books, and participating in classroom programs and special events, as well as attending meetings with teachers on both formal and informal occasions.
We look forward to a long and supportive relationship with your family.
Kind regards,
Karen Rouda
© Great Ryrie Primary School