
Our on-site uniform shop opening hours are;

  • Tuesday 8:30am - 10:00am
  • Wednesday 3:00pm - 4:00pm 

    We are excited to announce the launch of our Online Ordering System!
    Please see instructions attached in how to order school uniform online. 



Online Ordering Instructions 



Uniform is still also available to order by completing the order form and returning it via email or sending it with your child to School.  

Uniform orders will be distributed to your child through the Office.

At Great Ryrie Primary School, our uniform is compulsory and operated on-site.  

Both summer and winter uniforms are smart, hard-wearing and competitively priced. Wide-brimmed school hats must be worn for all outdoor activities in terms 1 and 4.

Uniform Policy


Uniform Price List & Order Form

Great Ryrie Primary School coordinates weekly competitions across the school to determine the winner of our ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People’ trophy, awarded at assemblies.

Each class (years 1-6) has a representative on the Student Environment Committee, led by our two Year 6 Environment Captains. These students are leaders in their classroom, helping to reduce waste and the consumption of water and electricity in the school. They also encourage students to maintain a healthy lifestyle by being active when traveling to and from school.

© Great Ryrie Primary School