Writing: Our focus in 5&6 is to give students many opportunities to practice a range of text types (including narrative, persuasive, information texts, poetry and more) for a range of authentic purposes. We use a variety of media and support our students to produce their best work in preparation for the demands and expectations of high school. We have a strong spelling and grammar program (Jolly Phonics, Spelling and Grammar) that builds throughout their years at GRPS and covers every aspect of spelling and writing in the Victorian Curriculum in a cohesive and logical manner.
Reading: Students read daily, use our excellent school library weekly, and are encouraged to participate in events such as the Premier’s Reading Challenge. We read texts as a class, in groups and as individuals and teach our students to read deeply, think critically, and develop a life-long love of reading.
Speaking and Listening: Students in 5&6 have many opportunities to develop their public speaking skills. Students write speeches as part of our Integrated units and also to apply for leadership positions. They regularly perform in front of their peers, the school and the wider community. Every second year students in the senior school may audition for main roles in our amazing school productions, often mentioned as a highlight of their time at Great Ryrie! Listening is equally important, and students regularly listen to instructions, texts, and a variety of media in order to hone their ability to absorb and critically examine information and participate in discussion.
Our focus on Mathematics in 5&6 is to give students a broad base of mathematical skills using a wide range of examples, exercises and activities that range from hands-on games and materials to abstract concepts that will give them a solid base for high school mathematics. We promote strong number sense through daily practice of foundation concepts such as times tables, problem-solving strategies and real-life examples and tasks. We aim to engage children’s interest and promote a love of learning. We work with small groups, individuals and the whole class to best cater to individual needs. We use websites such as Essential Assessment, Study Ladder and Prodigy Maths to individualise learning and consolidate understandings.
Over the course of the two years of 5&6, students study the full Victorian Curriculum through units based on:
Integrated topics are engaging and exciting, usually involving a special project, incursions or excursions and links to community or global issues. We aim to make learning authentic and students are encouraged to have a voice in the planning and outcomes of our projects. One example would be our ‘Bizarre Bazaar’ unit, where students create their own stall, stock and advertising material and then sell on market day to their peers, parents and friends. The proceeds go to a charity of their choosing.
Students use both iPads and Chromebooks regularly to enhance their learning. We aim to teach students respectful and kind online behaviour while they successfully access the incredible opportunities for learning, creativity and global connection that technologies offer.
Homework in 5&6 is designed to reinforce learning done at school. Students practice mathematical concepts, spelling words, and do reading over the course of the week. When required, Integrated tasks might also be included. Homework is designed to take no more than 30 minutes a night as we understand that students need time to relax, socialise and be with their families.
Camp Coolamatong, located on the Banksia Peninsula, is a much-anticipated event in the 5&6 calendar. Camp runs for 4 nights and occurs every second year. Both staff and students return with a wealth of happy memories and stronger social connections. The school offers payment plans and financial support for those families who need it and we strongly encourage all students to attend this once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Graduation is a celebration of every Year 6 student’s individual achievements and growth. It consists of an evening meal, formal presentation assembly, and a disco afterwards. Parents are invited to attend the assembly where students sing and perform musical numbers, give speeches, accept awards and enjoy themselves enormously!
© Great Ryrie Primary School